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Wheat Information Service
Number 86: 101 (1998)

Editorial remarks

Time has come for the 9th International Wheat Genetics Symposium at Saskatoon, Canada. The symposium (Aug.2-7) involves 8 oral and 3 poster sessions with workshops and field trip. The detail information can be obtained through the internet (http://www.usask.ca/agriculture/cropsci/ winter-wheat/9th-iwgs/acc.htm/), or the latest issue of WIS. WIS will open an information desk in the lobby during the symposium. Let's enjoy to communicate each other and learn research progress from wheat colleagues.

In the present issue, we are glad to have a good-timing report by Dr. D. R. Knott, co-chairperson of the 9th IWGS, reviewing production and research of wheat in Canada. Also, the efforts by Drs. McIntosh and others on the catalogue of gene symbol (1998 suppl.) should be thanked, which will guarantee, for sure, the success of 9th IWGS.

In the symposium, it is also timely and important to have a workshop on "Global wheat genetic resources networks and conservation of wheat experimental genetic stocks" in the evening of Aug. 3. Since genetic erosion of landraces and wild species has been serious in worldwide scale, and since the genetic stocks have become one of critical bases for the research especially under the modern advancement of molecular techniques, we should not compete but cooperate for conservation of these materials by overcoming narrow-sense nationalism. Issues to be discussed should be sent to Dr. T. Endo (organizer of the workshop) through e-mail; endo@kias.kyoto-u.acjp.

Recent volumes of WIS have published informal research information, research proposal, materials or methods as Research Information. The articles are not reviewed, but because of space limitation and for the journal qualification, we have to select among the contributions. The style format for Research Information is not fixed but follow the instructions in the front page (within two printed pages).

During last years, proportion of acceptance for the research articles (reviewed by members of editorial board) is about 60%. The most of rejected ones are because of regional reports of variety performance, but not for international- interest. For these cases, 1 would suggest to describe in your manuscript why your research or trial is important internationally to be published. Please keep in mind to contribute to international advancement of wheat genetics.

Thank you also for many describers for their financial contribution to WIS. The contributors will receive a beautiful card of receipt.

See you in midland of Canadian wheat in August.


T.S. (Secretary of WIS)@@@

PS: A photo of the article by J. SchuIz-Schaeffer in the previous issue No. 85 was not clear in print. Please substitute the attached sheet page 21-22 of No. 85.

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