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Wheat Information Service
Number 88: 57-59 (1999)

A Record from the Business Meeting of the 9th IWGS

J. W. Snape1 and P. HuCl2

1Jone Innes Centre, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK
2Department of Crop Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5C8, Canada

The Business Meeting of the 9th IWGS was held on Friday, 7th August 1998.

Co-Chairmen: Dr. J.W. Snape (IOC), Dr. P. Hucl (LOC)

1. Report of Meeting of IOC/LOC, Thursday 6th August 1998

Dr. J.W. Snape had chaired this meeting and the IOC had thanked Dr. Hucl and his colleagues on the LOC on the excellent organization of the 9th IWGS. The organization of the 9th IWGS and recommendations for the 10th IWGS were discussed, and the following recommendations were made which would be transmitted to the organizers of the 10th IWGS, including:
1) No concurrent sessions.
2) More time should be made for posters in the body of the meeting.
3) Sessions should, as at the 9th IWGS, consist of Keynote speakers and contributed papers.
4) Keynote speakers should concentrate on state-of-the-art information, and not on a general review of the field.
5) Workshops, as far as possible, should be put into one full day.
6) The Proceedings, as here, should be produced before the Symposium, and possibly, in electronic form.

2. Proceeding of 9th IWGS

Dr. Hucl reported to the meeting that extra copies of the proceedings would be available for purchase by libraries and individuals at the cost of 100 Canadian dollars excluding postage. No reprints would be available, but the reports of the Workshops, Business Meeting and other information would be prepared electronically and posted on the 9th IWGS Web site and on GrainGenes through the kind offices of Dave Matthews.

3. Proposal for the creation of the Ernie Sears Memorial Lecture

At the instigation of Prof. Bob McIntosh, a proposal was put to the Symposium: 'That the LOC of the 10th and subsequent IWGS creates the Ernie Sears Memorial Lecture which will be given as an invited Keynote lecture by a person distinguished in wheat genetics' This was accepted by acclamation.

4. Organization of the 10th IWGS

The Chairmen invited suggestions from the floor of the meeting concerning the structure of the 10th IWGS and the following comments were made:
1) The precedent of producing the Proceedings before the meeting was endorsed with the possibility of producing an electronic version of additional information, such as Workshops and Business Meetings, presented at the meeting.
2) The possibility of producing the Proceedings on CD-ROM should be investigated.
3) More time for poster sessions is necessary.
4) Speakers should be asked to present their talks in a slower, clearer way for the benefit of nonnative English participants.
5) All announcements should be displayed on OHs for the benefit of non-English speaking participants.
6) All posters should remain up for the period of the meeting.


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