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Editorial remarks

We are glad to send you the 90th issue of Wheat Information Service in millennium year, in which author and subject index of last 10 numbers are included. From starting this year, a new editorial board has been organized; some of members of the board are new, and many have been re-elected (see the name of members on the back page). Thanks for their voluntary efforts for wheat science.

WIS has been developing gradually in recent years, that is revealed by the increased contributions of original research articles and research information. The editorial office has decided to change the printing block to A4 size from the next issue, which will allow more printing spaces. However, please remind the page limitation; five printing pages for research article, and two for research information.

Because the system for the scientific information service in Japan has recently changed, we are not able to publish "Recent Publications" from this issue. We appreciate continuous kindness of Cambridge Science Abstracts who allowed us to publish their information. Now era of Internet has been opened. We can obtain lots information through telephone line even from marginal regions. The "Recent Publication" in WIS may have performed its mission. Now, back issue's of this journal can be read through Internet (http://www.shigen.nig.ac.jp/wheat/wis.html).

We thank continuous contribution of donation from many subscribers. This donation on system had been established because of mutual helps for promoting exchange of research information. However, the present situation of financial affairs indicates that the contributed money covers only mailing costs. Please attention the spirit of donation system. Also, please use Credit Card (Visa or Master Card) or International Postal Money Order. Personal check costs more amounts of money for bank charge than the content.

The editorial office hopes good harvest of wheat crop to open the 21st century.
K. Nishikawa, T. Sasakuma, H. TsuJimoto, and K. Furukawa
(Editorial office)

May, 2000.

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